Amazon S3 Glacier: How to Archive Data to Amazon Glacier

Do you have tons of data sitting around, but not all that data is used every day? That's where data archiving comes in, and Amazon S3 Glacier is one of the best solutions out there for safely storing your data for the long haul without breaking the bank.


By Crystal / Updated on April 29, 2024

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What is Amazon S3 Glacier?

Amazon S3 Glacier, or simply Glacier, is part of the Amazon Web Services (AWS) family. It's designed for one thing: cold storage. It's where you put data that you don't need right away but want to keep safe for a long time.

You upload your data to Glacier, where it’s stored in “vaults.” These vaults are like giant lockers in the cloud. You can retrieve your data, but it takes longer than with regular storage because it's designed for long-term archiving, not instant access.

amazon s3 glacier

Amazon S3 Glacier Storage Classes

Glacier has various retrieval options depending on how fast you need your data back and how much you're willing to pay for that speed.

🔰 Glacier Instant Retrieval

Glacier Instant Retrieval is the fastest among the Glacier storage classes. It offers quick access to data, making it ideal for workloads that require retrieval within a few seconds to minutes. This storage class is great if you need frequent and fast access to archived data, but it comes at a slightly higher cost compared to other Amazon S3 Glacier storage classes. It's perfect for data that might be archived but could be needed in a hurry, like medical records or business reports that need to be accessed quickly.

🔰 Glacier Flexible Retrieval

Glacier Flexible Retrieval is a step down in terms of speed, but a step up in terms of cost savings. It offers a balance between quick access and lower costs, making it ideal for less frequent data retrieval. Data retrieval can take several minutes to a few hours, depending on the size and request type. This storage class is suitable for scenarios where you know you might need archived data but don't require it instantly, such as monthly or quarterly business reports.

🔰 Glacier Deep Archive

Glacier Deep Archive is the most cost-effective among the three storage classes. It’s designed for long-term data retention and retrieval that isn't time-sensitive. Retrieval from this storage class can take up to 12 hours or more, making it best for data you rarely need to access. If you're archiving old records, historical documents, or large datasets for compliance purposes, Deep Archive is the way to go. It's like the digital equivalent of putting something in a deep basement storage where you can retrieve it, but it might take some time.

When choosing among the Amazon S3 Glacier storage classes, consider your specific needs for data retrieval speed and cost. If you need quick access, Instant Retrieval is your best option. For a balance of cost and retrieval speed, Flexible Retrieval is a good choice. If cost is your primary concern and you don't mind waiting a bit longer, Deep Archive is the way to go.

Glacier vs. Amazon S3

When it comes to Amazon Web Services (AWS), there is a storage solution for every need. The two most commonly discussed options are Amazon S3 (Simple Storage Service) and Amazon S3 Glacier. Let's break down the differences between Amazon S3 and Glacier with a comparison table to help you understand which service is best suited for your particular use case.

differences between Amazon S3 and Glacier

In summary, choose Amazon S3 if you need quick, frequent access to your data and can manage a higher cost. It's designed for active use cases where speed and availability are crucial. On the other hand, opt for Amazon S3 Glacier if you're looking for a cost-effective solution for long-term data archiving or cold storage. It's perfect for keeping data safe and secure without immediate access requirements.

How to move data from Amazon S3 to Glacier

Amazon S3 and Amazon Glacier each have their advantages, so how can you leverage both perfectly to get the best of both worlds? How can you quickly retrieve new data stored in S3 and automatically, policy-driven archive it to lower-cost Glacier storage as data ages?

Migrating data from Amazon S3 to Amazon S3 Glacier is a simple process, and you can use lifecycle policies to define actions you want Amazon S3 to take during an object's lifetime, e.g. transition objects to another storage class, archiving objects, or deleting objects after a specified period. Here's a step-by-step guide to help you automate your migration from S3 to Glacier.

1. Go to the AWS Management Console and find Amazon S3. Click on the Management > Add lifecycle rule button.

add lifecycle rule

2. Set up the lifecycle rules as following:

  • Give your rule a name.
  • Decide if the rule applies to all data or just a part of it.
  • Choose how many days it should take for data to move to Glacier. You can set different times for different storage classes.
  • Click Save to apply the rule.

transition to amazon glacier after

3. After setting up the lifecycle policy, it will successfully move data from S3 to Glacier.

set up the lifecycle policy


Amazon S3 Glacier is a storage service in Amazon Web Services (AWS) designed for long-term data archiving and cold storage. It's perfect for data that doesn't require frequent access but must be stored securely for long periods of time. This article also describes how to move data from Amazon S3 to Glacier. This automation is a convenient way to manage the movement of data without manual intervention.

When using Glacier, it is important to consider the costs associated with data retrieval, as the faster the retrieval, the higher the cost.

Crystal · Editor
Crystal is an editor from AOMEI Technology. She mainly writes articles about virtual machine. She is a positive young lady likes to share articles with peolpe. Off work she loves travelling and cooking which is wonderful for life.